Shri Sangameshwar Education Society's

From The Chairman's Desk

To cater to the educational need of the society, the founding fathers of shri. Sangameshwar Education Society envisioned ‘To Spread education in general and instruct in any branch of knowledge whenever and wherever feasible’. We take this as an opportunity to experience the almighty in the work believing in Lord Basavanna’s words Kayakwe Kailas. To provide the quality human resource to every field of the nation is our very objective. The Society is diversifying to meet the new educational demands, and make the institution Sangameshwar a quality confluence of the Conventional and Professional Courses. We expect our stakeholders to find the God in their work and responsibilities to serve the humanity.

Shri. D. A. Kadadi

Chairman, Shri Sangameshwar Education Society, Solapur